Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lightning Story

1.In a lake during a thunderstorm
2.Stuck in a forest hunted by Eagleye, an evil overlord
3. Training
4.Final battle

1. Jane controller of water
2. Jake lightning controller
3.Eagleye the evil overlord

what’s it about?
Jake and his sister Jane are in the lake playing in the rain when it suddenly turns into a thunderstorm .lightning strikes the middle of the lake and it turns into a whirlpool.   Jake and Jane get powers they meet Eagleye who attacks and defeats them but lets them get away saying he will give them a month to train with their powers after which they will battle again. They have to win if they ever want to see their parents again. They harness their powers and get better
After training they face off with Eagleye who defeats Jane but Jake beats so Jake and Jane win.
And they keep their powers.

    The water’s calm,peaceful surface was broken as Jake cannonballed into the lake.”Come on,the waters fine!”, he called out to his sister Jane, and splashed around in the water. Jane hesitantly dipped her toe in the water. As she noticed it was actually quite warm she gracefully dived in. “Showoff” muttered Jake as Jane challenged him to a race across the lake. Jake then commenced to swimming. When he reached the end Jane was sitting on a rock crisscross with a with a mock bored look on her face. “ It took you that long to swim across?”, questioned Jane.
“Well sorry for not being a super swimmer! Now lets get back to the shore before Mom and Dad have a fit”, Jake responded. “Yeah sure but this time you want me to tell you when the next century finishes?”, Jane retorted. “Oh, just be quiet and swim” Jake snapped. And off Jane went like a motor boat. Jake slowly followed like an old tugboat. At the other side of the coast. At the other side of the road Jane had clambered up onto the coast and was sitting in a fold-out armchair with  a towel draped over her shoulders, grabbing a bottle of coke from the mini fridge. While their parents hid their noses in their books. As Jake clambered onto the surface . A thunderstorm appeared ,the exact opposite of the cheery and sunny weather from a few seconds ago. Jake and Jane's parents Lifted their heads out of their books and stared up in awe as a man materialized in the middle of the storm. He had a red cape and held a translucent sword that seemed to spark at the edge. When he spoke his voice sounded unnatural as if he wasn't actually speaking but just acting as a puppet for some greater force hovering above him. He uttered three words: “ I am Eagleye” and as he said this a whirlpool began to form under him. “Whoa,,,,” Jake stuttered in unison with his sister.Eagleye alighted a few inches in front of them Their parents stood up and shouted at Eagleye “get away from my chi.....” before instantly disappearing. “What did you do to out parents!” Jake shouted “ Captured them, and before you ask why here is a short story, I used to be a regular person like you and your sister. I'd go to work and come home everyday to my family but one day I got home and no one was waiting there for me because I didn't even actually have a home anymore. There had been a fire, and everyone in the building had died. I had no purpose in life, filled with rage I quit my job and got a new apartment.
I was a blob a piece of trash until one day I almost went mad. Searching for ways to revive my family.
I stumbled upon one old theory with many believers, If you could gain power over the elements that controlled our lives: Water,air,earth,fire,lightning,grass you could revive anyone that died. In my madness I set out to find them searching everywhere in the world for items that might give me control over the powers. Over the years I found them and mastered them,all except for two: water and lightning.” As he finished he settled his stare at Jane and Jake. “What do we have to do with these so called powerful element things.” Jake retorted. “You have to do with these elements because you two control the elements of water and lightning.” answered Eagleye. “Yeah right Bird sight or whatever your name is.” Jake shot back. “It's Eagleye you little brat” He screeched as he shot back Jake with a blow of air. As the blast of air propelled him towards a a sturdy oak he said ”dude, you really need to use some breath mints.Your breath smells like dead fish!!!”Any more insolence out of you and I may be forced to use my sword on you and your sister, and if this annoys me enough I may be forced to harm your parents .”Said Eagleye angrily.
“That tears it, bird brain!!!” shouted his sister. “You can’t pick on my brother only I can” Anger seeped through her bones as she breathed heavily and her fist got crusted with ice. She then stepped forward and hooked eagleye across the cheek so hard snot flew out of his nose.”That’s for abducting my mother you pigeon.“Woah......” uttered Jake Then he gasped as his hands crackled with lightning and bolts of heavy duty energy flew out. As Eagleye regained his senses he screeched in a tone unheard to man before, “it’s Eagleye!” before regaining control of his body. “Ok kids it’s time for your physical activities. I challenge you to a duel of powers for your parents lives” As the fight started, Jake immediately lunged towards eagleye and tried to punch him with a fist crackling with voltage. Eagleye swiftly dodged and pushed Jake with to the floor, as he kicked him aside. Jane summoned all her will  and tried to no success to summon a vortex to attack Eagleye. Then eagleye floated in front of her and shackled her to the floor with handcuffs of earth. As Jake and Jane were defeated by Eagleye He muttered “Weak, I              don‘t want to even look at people that are this weak. You have one day to  train, after that we will battle again here at 12:00 and we will see if you are worthy of  receiving your parents back.” And with that Eagleye raised his sword and disapeared.

Pow! Pow! Pow! The sound came from the small clearing where Jake and Jane were busy beating the stuffing out of each other. lightning crackled and water met it in mid-air as they clashed.Lightning sparked as Jake punched Jane and sent her crashing into an unusually thick oak tree.A few angry owls screeched as they flew out,none looking so happy.Jane paid him back by slamming him onto an unsuspecting rabbit’s face.The rabbit let out an strangled shriek and ran away,looking quite a mess by now.Training was not going so well for the siblings.It was more of a goof off contest And they were both doing really well. “Ok, come on we have to try harder” said Jake, and as he did a bright bolt of lightning descended from the sky and landed in front of him. It carried a dagger imbued with the powers of lightning. And in front of Jane a beam of water shot down and gave her a fragile blue gemstone encrusted sword. Jane flashed her sword triumphantly towards her brother as he slashed his knife cautiously  to meet her sword.Lightning flashed  and Jane got hurled back into the same tree we mentioned earlier.Jane stood up yelling “ I think we are ready to face Waffle face or whatever its name is” Then they went to sleep so that they could wake up at 12:00.
                       When they woke up they walked to the lake and waited for Eagleye.
He arrived in his usuall over-dramatic fashion. “Ok let’s fight ,children.” said Eagleye. They decided to battle on the small island in the middle of the lake. If you fell off you lost and if Jane  and Jake lost they would never see their mom and dad or keep their powers. Jake was the first to attack by lunging at Eagleye with his knife and just grazing his elbow. Blood trickled from his arm as he responded with a sft blow to Jake’s gut. His sister tried again to summon a wave to wash over eagleye and found it wuch easier now that she was holding the sword. A giant wave fell over Eagleye,l and Jake electrocuted the water to make it even more dangerous. This stunned Eagleye only momentarrily and through clenched teeth he pointed his sword towards Jane and A gail force wind toppeled her into the water. Now it was one on one. Jake and Eagleye fought eachother continously, lunging and dodging and using their powers. Then in one blow Eagleye had earned the upper hand. sing Jakes chest with a puff of fire. As Jake fell he miracously regained his ballance and lunged for Eagleye. Eagleye,surprised he hadn’t won was stunned by the mirracle that had just occured as Jake shoced him with a thousand volts into the watrer. He went down but and fell into the water sizzling and without powers to keep him safe. In an instant his parents reappeared in their seats as if nothing had happened,and for them truly nothing had. Jane got out of the water and Jake jumped off the island and swam to the shore. In unison they hugged their parents and said “I love you” to their parents.

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