Friday, December 9, 2011

Kepler 22-b-----Special science post

Well,folks,I don't know if you know,but apparently there is some very exciting (or not,depends)news.A planet very similar to our own Earth  has been found in the Kepler 22 system.The planet is named Kepler 22-b and is very similar to the earth in many ways.The planet is also covered in land and water,and has a breathable atmosphere.The planet is also about 2.5-3 times the size of earth and is closer than earth is to our sun than it is to it's sun,Kepler 22.The planet's geographic location in contrast to the sun makes it a perfect location for life.The planet also is closer to earth than the sun,making it a possible relocation are for humans to move to.Hmm,I wonder???

18 hours ago

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